La 24 Agosto 2024

Balade sensorielle en nature grenobloise

Sport activity : Deportes pedestres, Marcha pedestre, Bienestar

Emilie Baronnat, energy specialist and Mégane David, naturopath offer sensory walks. On the program: the discovery of local flora and the connection to oneself and to nature.

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Discovery of local flora
Recognition of medicinal plants from the region and their uses for family herbal medicine.

Connection to yourself and nature
With a hypnotic guided story to find peace and calm through a stroll to stimulate your 5 senses in the depths of nature.

Reservar Éco-responsable Nos engagements éco-responsables


Métodos de pago
  • Metálico
  • Consulte

Adulto: 50 €
Niño: 35 €.

Periodo de apertura

Sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024 de 14:30 a 17.

Instalaciones y características

  • Mascotas rechazadas