Del 1 Julio al 1 Septiembre 2024

L' Odyssée Verte®

Equipment : Ocio recreativo, Parque temático

Located in the Gresse-en-Vercors forest, the Odyssée Verte® suspension trail lets you discover the forest from above. Here you are in the heart of the canopy, several meters above the ground, safely and without a harness!

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This trail, suspended up to 10 m above the ground, offers easy and totally safe access to the forest from above. You'll be able to walk along the trail in complete safety, without the need for a harness.

Once through the reception door, you'll board the first ramp to begin your immersion. At your own pace, you'll progress along the aerial path, gradually gaining height.

You'll be amazed at how you can adopt a squirrel's point of view, smell the scents of nature and feel the rustle of beech trees among the firs. A magical moment!

Throughout the aerial walk, you'll have plenty of time to let yourself be surprised.

New sensations, both olfactory and sensory, will be combined with the pleasure of discovering things differently, from above.

You'll gain a better understanding of the extraordinary living creature that is the tree, through the themes chosen by the foresters: the life of the tree, its environment, foliage, age and growth, sap, forest hosts, regeneration...

You are welcome to come along at any time. Reservations are required only for school groups, leisure centers, community centers, etc.

Children of walking age can access the Odyssée Verte. Babies and toddlers must be carried in a front or back carrier if they are unable to walk. Suspended walkways are inaccessible to baby carriages and wheelchairs.

Éco-responsable Nos engagements éco-responsables


Métodos de pago
  • Metálico
  • Cheque Vacaciones
  • Consulte

Adulto: 7 €
Niño: 4 €
Tarjeta 10 entradas: 60 €.

Tarifa grupo a partir de 10 personas.

Periodo de apertura

Del 01/07 al 01/09/2024 de 13 a 18.

Aplazado en caso de mal tiempo.

Instalaciones y características

  • Animaux acceptés


The Odyssée Verte invites you to immerse yourself in a natural setting
before exploring the discovery footbridges, taking in a variety of approach paths.

There are 3 possible access routes:

From the village, drive towards "Col de l'Allimas" at 900m,
At the calvary, take the forest road on your right.
After 500m of forest road, park in the forest parking lot at the
bois des Fayolles.
You'll reach the Odyssée Verte via the signposted approach path
indicated by a welcome sign.

At the entrance to the village, you'll find the "du Bourg" parking lot for
From the parking lot, head into the village; at the church, turn left
restaurants and the town hall; at the crossroads, turn right
crossroads, turn right, the path is signposted.
After a kilometer's walk, you'll arrive at the parking lot
the Bois des Fayolles forest car park; continue along the forest road, where a
a welcome sign will guide you to the Odyssée Verte.

From the village, drive towards the resort (to the right of the church),
At the roundabout, take the second exit. After 200 m, you'll find the
opposite a bakery. Take the
at the bottom of the parking lot. The trail is signposted with the
Odyssée Verte logo (a small bird with its feet in the air).
The path leads to the Bois des Fayolles forest parking lot,
continue along the forest road, then follow the path on your right
on your right, indicated by a welcome sign that will guide you
to the Odyssée Verte.

  • Latitud: 44.891300
  • Longitud: 5.558696


  • En el campo
  • En montaña
  • En el bosque
  • Vista a la montaña


- Venez avec un accompagnateur montagne lors d’une sortie thématique sur la forêt !

- Mise à disposition d'un espace slackline, de nombreux jeux en bois et jeux de sociétés sur la thématique de la forêt.
