Del 9 Diciembre 2023 al 28 Abril 2024

Snowshoe hikes - Inspiration Montagnarde

Sport activity : Deportes de invierno, Raquetas
family A partir de años

Snowshoe adventure

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It is the best hike to enjoy the snowy mountain. You will learn more about hiking in the mountain during Winter season, itinerary choice, how to adapt to the cold and how to understand the different layers of snow. You will also have a picnic which is always a moment of conviviality far from the cities and civilization.


Métodos de pago
  • Metálico
  • Consulte

Adulto: 25 €
Niño : 19 €
Forfait familia: 97 €
Abono adulto: 90 €
Abono niño : 69 €.

Tarifa niño concedida a los 10 - 15 años.

You must make a reservation at least the day before, before 6 pm.

Periodo de apertura

Del 09/12/2023 al 28/04/2024, todos los dias.

Instalaciones y características

  • Mascotas rechazadas


RDV parking cars nord

  • Latitud: 45.252752
  • Longitud: 5.991866


  • En montaña
  • Estación de esquí

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