From 1 November 2023 to 30 March 2025

Mainssieux Museum

Cultural heritage : Museum

The museum, created in 1989, is located in an old house in the Saint-Bruno district. It presents the studio fund of the painter Lucien Mainssieux and the collection of works he built up throughout his life, mainly paintings from the 19h and 20th centuries.

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Throughout his life, Lucien Mainssieux (1885-1958) collected works dating from the end of the 19th century, as well as those of his fellow students. He had an obsession : to create a museum for these works and to be its custodian…

This collection is the testimony of the glance of the artist on the art, so its interests for the landscape painters of the XIX° century, for the Orientalist works as well as for his contemporaries and friends.

Adapted mediation on request: adapted routes and discourse allow all persons with disabilities to discover the museum's collections. On reservation, accompanied by a mediator, you can take advantage of the workshop visit with a dedicated tool.


Means of payment
  • Cash
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check

Combined ticket for the 2 museums - MALP and Mainssieux museum
Full price: € 5
Reduced price: €2 (children aged 10 to 18, recipients of social minima, students, disabled people, job seekers).
Free for less than 10 years.

Free admission for everyone on the 1st Sunday of the month.

For rates for adult and young groups (guided tours), please contact us.

From 5 €

Opening periods

Museum open Tuesday to Sunday: April to October from 14 p.m. to 18 p.m., and from November to March from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m.

Exceptional closure from January 8 to February 23, 2024 (reopening on the 24th).
Annual closure on January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

Equipments and characteristics

  • Pets refused
  • Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance


From Grenoble, A48 direction Lyon, Voiron exit.
Near the "Place Général Leclerc" stop or the bus station for the Pays Voironnais transport lines and the TransIsère lines, and the SNCF train station.
The museum is located in a pedestrian street behind the Saint-Bruno church.

  • Latitude: 45.367075
  • longitude: 5.593472


  • Town location
  • In centre of town
  • Pedestrian area
  • Station district

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