
Cycling loops

Bike check. Done.

Helmet, water bottle, repair equipment and snacks for the break. All set.

Cycling is king in Grenoble, and the valley offers plenty of scope for family cycling, along the Isère and Romanche rivers and across the open plains. And then there are the mountains where climbers can take to the heights and give it their all.

Get on your bikes and set off on one of the 21 cycle loops to discover the Grenoble metropolitan area. Almost all of these cycle trails are accessible on road bikes. The vast majority of the routes follow little-used tarmac roads, for added peace of mind.

Electrically-assisted bikes also provide easy access to mountain environments, so there’s no reason not to make the most of them.

These loops have been developed by Grenoble-Alpes Métropole in partnership with the Fédération Française de Cyclotourisme FFCT.


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